Threatened Miscarriage

Description: A condition in which a pregnant women experiences the signs of miscarriage but not actually miscarry is known as a threatened miscarriage or a threatened spontaneous abortion.

Persons most commonly affected: Threatened miscarriages most commonly occur between 7 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Organ or part of body involved: Reproduction System

Symptoms and indications: The most common symptom of threatened miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, which may appear brown, light pink or bright red. The vaginal bleeding may be in a form of light spotting or heavy bleeding. Sometimes the bleeding may contain small or large blood clots. The other signs and symptoms of a threatened miscarriage include: Stomach cramps; Period-like cramps; Lower back pain; Pain and cramping in lower abdomen; and Heavy feeling in the stomach or pelvis during the first trimester.

Causes and risk factors: In most of the cases, the causes of threatened miscarriages are rarely determined. But there are various causes that can lead to vaginal bleeding which include: Ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids; Polyps; Hormonal changes; Cervical inflammation caused during sexual intercourse; Ecotopic pregnancyl Hormonal changes; and Infections like pelvic inflammatory disease or STDs.

Estimates report that up to 50% of all fertilized eggs abort spontaneously, usually before the woman knows she is pregnant. Among known pregnancies, the rate is approximately 10%. These usually occur between 7 and 12 weeks of gestation. Increased risk is associated with women over age 35, women with systemic disease (such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction), and those with a history of 3 or more prior spontaneous abortions.

Prevention: Some studies show that women who receive prenatal care have better pregnancy outcomes, for themselves and their babies. Early and complete prenatal care decreases the risk of miscarriage.

It is better to detect and treat known maternal disorders before conception occurs than to wait until you\'re already pregnant. Avoiding environmental hazards such as x-rays and infectious diseases also decreases the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy.

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